Regional engagement and service mission of universities: North American perspectives. Friday 4 March, 2011

Hans G. Schuetze, University of British Columbia (UBC) Vancouver, Canada
Friday 4 March, 2011, 12.30 to 14.00.
Blue Room, Second Floor The Helix, DCU

The main speaker for this event is Hans G. Schuetze, University of British Columbia (UBC) Vancouver, Canada. Professor Hans G. Schuetze is a fellow and former director of the Centre for Policy Studies in Higher Education and Training, UBC, and also a senior honorary research fellow, University of Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom. He has worked as a consultant on educational policy for the OECD, UNESCO, the EU, the Canadian government, the British Columbia provincial government as well as several other education policy bodies. His fields of research and expertise encompass the economics and the organization of post-secondary education and training, comparative education, lifelong learning, and, more generally, the role of education and training in cultural, social and economic development.

Professor Schuetze will present a lecture entitled 'Regional engagement and service mission of universities: North American perspectives'. This will be followed by an open discussion chaired by Professor Maria Slowey, Director of Higher Education Research, DCU, with participants and discussant Professor Ronnie Munck, DCU in the Community.

Does higher education create public good(s) and should it be publicly funded? Simon Marginson, 21 February 2011

We are pleased to announce that the second seminar in the HERC seminar series will take place on Monday 21 February, 12.00-14.00 in DCU. The main speaker for this event is Simon Marginson, Professor of Higher Education at the Centre for the Study of Higher Education at the University of Melbourne in Australia. Professor Marginson provides advice for the OECD and the governments of Ireland, Australia and several countries in the Asia-Pacific region, and writes principally about globalization, higher education and education policy.

He will present a lecture entitled 'Does higher education create public good(s) and should it be publicly funded?'. This will be followed by an open discussion chaired by Professor Maria Slowey, Director of Higher Education Research, DCU, with participants and expert panellists including Professor Patrick Clancy, Emeritus Professor of Sociology, UCD, Professor Ellen Hazelkorn, Director of Research and Enterprise, DIT and Professor Shinichi Yamamoto, Director, Research Institute for Higher Education, Hiroshima University, Japan.

This series is co-sponsored by the Higher Education Research Centre at DCU, the Dublin Region Higher Education Association and the Higher Education Authority

Please feel free to forward this flyer to interested colleagues. There is no fee for attendance, but booking is required as places are limited to facilitate discussion. A light lunch will be provided. RSVP to: