Higher Education Reform in the Atlantic Isles

Professor Sir Peter Scott, Institute of Education, London

Monday 16 May 2011
12.00 to 14.00 (Tea & coffee served from 11.30)
The Helix, DCU

The main speaker for this event is Sir Peter Scott , Professor of Higher Education, Institute of Education, London. Professor Sir Peter Scott was Vice-Chancellor of Kingston University from January 1998 to December 2010. Previously he was Pro Vice-Chancellor and Professor of Education at the University of Leeds. He was also the Director of the Centre for Policy Studies in Education and Chair of UALL (Universities Association for Lifelong Learning). From 1976 to 1992 he was Editor of The Times Higher Education Supplement. Before that he was a reporter and then a leader writer for The Times. In January 2011 Professor Sir Peter Scott joined the Institute of Education as Professor of Higher Education Studies.
Professor Scott will present a lecture entitled 'Higher Education Reform in the Atlantic Isles'. The lecture will be introduced by Professor Brian MacCraith, President of DCU and followed by an open discussion chaired by Professor Maria Slowey, Director of Higher Education Research, DCU, with participants and expert panellists Professor Mike Grenfell, Chair (1905) of Education and Head of School, Trinity College Dublin, Dr. Mary Canning, previously of the World Bank Higher Education Division and Professor Richard O'Kennedy, Vice-President for Learning Innovation, DCU and current Chair of the Dublin Region Higher Education Alliance.

Please feel free to forward this flyer to interested colleagues. There is no fee for attendance, but booking is required as places are limited to facilitate discussion. A light lunch will be provided. RSVP to: HERC@dcu.ie.